Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November December 2015

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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Q: What types of training have you taken to get to your current position? A: I've had all kinds of different training. I've primarily learned through hard knocks, reading articles and drawing comparisons to my plant site. I've absorbed a great deal through independent learning and on-the-job training. I've had informal classes on certain topics related to lubrica- tion. I've also completed an online course through Noria and attended a seminar. I feel like the formal education opened the doors to certification for me, but without the in-the-field experience, the formal courses would have been lost on me. Q: What professional certifications have you attained? A: I obtained my Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) Level I and Machine Lubrica- tion Technician (MLT) Level I certifications in August 2015. Q: Are you planning to obtain addi- tional training or achieve higher certifications? A: Yes, I absolutely intend to obtain more training and certifications. It's my intention to certify myself as much as possible. Eventu- ally, I'd like to pass the Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE) exam after I obtain my MLT II and MLA III certifications. I feel that certifica- tion gives you a sense of accomplishment and allows you to have great confidence moving forward. Of course, that confidence comes with the mastery of the body of knowledge and application of that knowledge. Since receiving formal training and certifications, I'm making smarter, more calculated deci - sions, and I will expand on that. Q: What's a normal work day like for you? A: Typically, my day starts with reading over the notes from the shift before, looking to see if there's anything that needs immediate attention. Then I'll go reset some counters for oil consumption and walk through the plant site, giving my hydraulic units and centralized lube systems a one-minute When Jeffrey Evans was awarded the lubrication technician position at the Trinity River Lumber Co., he had little knowledge of what he would be doing. He received no formal training, nor was there anyone to show him the ropes — just a grease gun and a plethora of components thirsty for lubrication. The position had been a revolving door. Before Evans took over, the company had gone through five lube techs in two years. While learning on the fly by trial-and-error methods, he was determined not to be the next one out the door. After some initial success and finding the work enjoyable, Evans became interested in the lubrication field and began reading Machinery Lubrication magazine. He studied the articles and applied them to a component or a machine center at his site. When his sawmill burned down and was rebuilt from the ground up, Evans gained a new perspective on lubrication, seeing every component fall into place, understanding how each component affects the other and then implementing a lubrication regiment. Along the way, he kept reading and grasping for knowledge. This knowledge not only allowed him to become more efficient and effective but also helped turn his job into a career. Lubrication Knowledge Helps Evans Turn a Job into a Career Name Jeffrey Evans Age 32 Job Title Lubrication Technician Company Trinity River Lumber Co. Location Weaverville, California Length of Service 9 years GET to KNOW 32 November - December 2015 |

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