Powder Coating


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Most knowledgeable suppliers will sell you a product that will work in both ovens or at either temperature. The lube unit is usually located before the washer. This allows excess lube material to be washed away before coating and curing. So, what's your problem? Is the oil dripping onto the parts? Are the trol- leys freezing? Is the chain binding? The proper oil should be a relatively easy fix. Are you cleaning the chain on a regular basis? —G.T. PC Editor's note For further reading on the problems discussed in this column, visit Powder Coating magazine's website at www.pcoating.com and search the Arti- cle Index by subject category. All articles listed in the archive are available for free download to registered users. George R. Trigg is pres- ident of GRT Engineer- ing, Prospect, Ohio. He has been involved in the powder coating industry for more than 40 years. He holds a BSBA degree from Muskingum Col- lege, New Concord, Ohio. Nick Liberto is presi- dent of Powder Coat- ing Consultants (PCC), a division of Ninan, Inc., 1529 Lau- rel Ave., Bridgeport, CT 06604. Established in 1988, PCC is an independent engineering firm specializ- ing in the use of powder coating technol- ogy. Nick has more than 3 decades of experience in the powder coating indus- try and is a member of many industry associations, including the Application Equipment Technical Committee of the Powder Coating Institute. A registered professional engineer in Connecticut, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in physics. He can be contacted at 203/366- 7244; email pcc@powdercoat.com; web- site www.powdercc.com. 26 POWDER COATING, August 2017 SHOW PREVIEW GREEN EXPO aims for a sustainable future Alicia Tyznik Editor A s the leading green trade show in Mexico and Latin America for the past 25 years, THE GREEN EXPO is the best place to explore new technologies and solutions from ecologi- cal and sustainable companies who are working on creating a profitable sustain- able industry. The technology and solu- tions presented by these environmental, renewable energy, water, and green housing companies are generating eco- nomic benefits and setting the standards for the future. The Global Resources Environmental & Energy Network (GREEN) Exhibi- tion and Congress will take place Sep- tember 5-7 at the World Trade Center in Mexico City, Mexico. Also known as the CONEICO International Environ- mental Congress, this show will bring industry professionals, environmental experts, government representatives, and other experts together from differ- Show information Location. THE GREEN EXPO will be held at the World Trade Center, Filadelfia S/N, col. Nápoles, Del. Ben- ito Juárez, C.P. 03810 Mexico City. Show hours. The exhibition will be held from noon to 7:00 p.m. The con- gress will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ent industries to exchange information and develop new solutions for environ- mental technology. This multinational business forum will bring together na- tional and international companies in- volved in business, research, science, and technology. This event will consolidate three main themes in a unique space: Enviro Pro, the environmental sector in charge of waste management and recycling; Power Mex, solutions for the efficient use of energy and the generation of en- ergy from renewable sources; and Green City, sustainable mobility for creating smart cities and housing. More than 250 leading environmental companies will be exhibiting their solu- tions and cutting edge technology for a sustainable green economy. The goal is to transition towards a circular indus- trial economy with zero waste. PC Registration. Registration is avail- able on the show's website by clicking on the green registration tab. The event is free to industry professionals. Contact info. For more info, contact Pat Tessler at 301/493-5500 ext. 3386 or tessler@ejkrause.com. The official show website is www.thegreenexpo.com.mx. Environmental experts will head to Mexico this Fall to exchange information on creating and maintaining a profitable green industry.

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