Specialty Food Magazine

FALL 2017

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/873281

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Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 www.frontiersoups.com Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 7 natural ingredient s 0 artificial anything 1 hour to prepare 1 satisfying meal! HEARTY MEALS ™ SOUP MIXES ™ Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 420 Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 549 buyer panel the store, or delivery—we know who the customer is, and we know what the customer wants." Asked by Lempert whether the tra- ditional 40,000-square-foot grocery store with thousands of SKUs was becoming obsolete, Stallone suggested that stores would likely need to evolve to meet the changing demands of shoppers. "People aren't buying products any- more. They are buying solutions," he said. "Maybe in the future stores will be laid out by solution. That's what the customer is looking for." Zoeller of Kings and Balducci's said traditional grocery retailers will need to dif- ferentiate themselves clearly from competi- tors and hone their focus. "They have to pick their battles and be very dedicated to what they stand for," he said. Going forward, said Stallone, "Everyone will need to think differently" about how they get their products to cus- tomers. "If we don't think differently, we are going to be left behind." Mark Hamstra is a freelance writer based in New York City. Portions of the Super Session "Selling Specialty," held at the Summer Fancy Food Show in June, can be found at specialtyfood.com/ buyerpanel. @ specialtyfood.com 64 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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