Tablets & Capsules


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Research 6 Markets 6 Industry news 6 Industry Innovations 44 Calendar 45 Supplier news 47 Advertiser index 47 Product update 48 Spotlight on Nutraceuticals 32A (This section appears four times yearly in issues delivered to our nutraceutical readership.) TABLETS & CAPSULES coating Basic batch coater operating parameters and setup 11 Nicholas S. Slater Optimizing coating solution delivery system and single-tube Coriolis ow meter performance 17 Bill Maschinot Bitter to Better: Formulation strategies for effective taste masking 23 Charles Vesey Issue focus: Coating 30 Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published by CSC Publishing, Inc, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. departments w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m April 2018 Volume 16 Number 3 Test & inspection equipment: A survey of what's available 34 Multi-layer tableting: A survey of what's available 36 Eye on Excipients 39 Oliver Luhn, Joerg Bernard, Michael Black, and Maj-Britt Cepok Back page Cover 3 John Murphy also in this issue Cover photo shows tablets coated using an LC series coater, which coats mate- rial 40 percent faster than comparable systems. In addition to production-scale drum coaters, the company also offers lab-scale coat- ers for micro-batches, coat- ing solutions for a number of different industries, LFP series fluid processors for complex applications, and Loedige Ploughshare mixers that can be used for coating tasks in the food industry. Courtesy of Loedige Process Technology, Paderborn, Germany. For more information, call +49 5251 3090 or visit

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