Tablets & Capsules


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Tablets & Capsules April 2018 35 Blister leak tester Sepha VisionScan non-destructive blister leak tester provides an alternative analysis method to blue dye bath tests, which destroy blister packs during testing by submerging them in water. Unit uses cameras and software to determine if a blister cavity has a leak without damaging the pack. On-spec blister packs can be returned to the production line, which can provide significant cost-savings for manufacturers. Thomas Packaging, Rolling Meadows, IL 847 392 1652 3D x-ray microscope Nano 3DX non-destructive x-ray microscope uses 3D computed tomography to provide images of the internal structure of tablets and capsules including voids, cracks, layer structures, core volume, and coating layer thickness. Instrument provides higher resolution, superior low-Z, and shorter data collection time compared to conventional low- power laboratory x-ray microscopes. These benefits are achieved using a high-power, 1,200-watt x-ray source combined with optical magnification by the company's proprietary high-resolution x-ray camera. Resolution is adjustable from submicron to tens of microns. The 8-kiloelectron-volt monochromatic x-ray enhances the density contrast of low-Z materials. Typical scan time is less than a half hour. Rigaku Americas, The Wooodlands, TX 281 362 2300 Tablet tester SmartTest 50 semi-automatic tablet tester measures tablets of all shapes for weight, thickness, width, diameter, length, and hardness in compliance with current pharmacopeias. Instrument handles tablets of all shapes and produces accurate and reliable test data that can be evaluated immediately. Tablet tester is suitable for lab and production environments and eases the quality control process without limiting the range of its possible applications. Company offers test equipment and specializes in tablet testing instruments for research labs, in-process control, quality control, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Sotax, Westborough, MA 508 417 1112 Benchtop analyzer RA802 benchtop analyzer combines Raman spectroscopy and imaging technology to accelerate chemical and physical analysis of tablets, including their composition, structure, and API distribution and particle size. LiveTrack focus- tracking feature assesses samples with uneven, curved, or rough surfaces quickly and without sample preparation. Instrument analyzes intact, split, or sliced tablets and continuously adjusts the sample height to produce a 3D chemical map of the tablet surface. Nondestructive analyzer also evaluates powders, granules, and liquids. Renishaw, Hoffman Estates, IL 847 286 9953

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