Redstone Federal Credit Union

Summer 2018 Newsletter

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Winning awards is never the intent when Redstone Federal Credit Union implements innovative products and services that meet the needs of our members and serves our communities. Awards and recognitions are like the icing on an already scrumptious cake. Over the past year, Redstone feels as if we've had the cake, icing and all the decorations that come with it! Late last year, Money® Magazine named Redstone the "best bank" in Alabama after documenting that we offer great rates on savings accounts and our fees are below the average charged by other financial institutions. A few months later, we won e Ruby Ozzie Award, presented by Partners in Leadership, for our efforts in changing our culture and becoming more member-focused. ƒat same organization then nominated Redstone for an international award in organizational management that pitted us against some major companies, such as BNY Mellon, State Street Corporation and Bristol-Myers Squibb. Despite the robust competition, Redstone won the Business Transformation & Operational Excellence Industry Award and the Platinum Award for Best Achievement in Organizational Operational Excellence – the highest honor in the award program on a global level for the most outstanding organizational achievements. But wait, it didn't stop there. A few weeks later, we learned that Redstone had been named Credit Union of the Year by the National Association of Federally- Insured Credit Unions (NAFCU). See the next page for more about this honor. (Continued on page 12) p.4 | Embrace New Technology p.8 | Get Outdoors p.11 | Stretch and Save Loan Is Here p.14 | Small Business Spotlight Send your comment s, suggestions or questions to: ASPIRE@REDFCU.ORG Editor: Patricia Dedrick Lloyd TABLE OF CONTENTS 8 2 | r e d f c u.o r g Must be eligible for membership and open a share savings account to obtain any product or service. A minimum balance of $5.00 is required to open share savings account and must be maintained in share savings account at all times. Fees and other restrictions may apply. from the CEO: Joseph H. Newberry 14

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