Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine HO15

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P E N I N S U L A S C E N E 202 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • H O L I D A Y 2 0 1 5 8th Annual Sabu's Safari Benefiting Salvation Army More than 350 guests joined together to support the Salvation Army – Monterey Corps at the annual Sabu's Safari "Mardi Gras" held at the Hyatt Regency. The event included an extravagant dinner prepared by celebrity chefs, and executive chefs of the Shake Family Restaurants, silent and live auctions, dancing and casino. A total of $379,627 was raised during the evening, benef itting The Salvation Army. Judi Marotta, Mike & Laurel Marotta Bart & Wendy Walker, Peggy & Glen Heffington Barbara Davi, Rich & Sandra Pepe Bert & Bella Cutino, Velma & Ted Balestreri Eugenia Falchi, Sabu Shake, Jr. Kaine & Andy Swartz, John & Roxane Narigi Dave & Janine Potter Michael Crall, Ashley Beleny, Theodore Balestreri Carrie & Jimmy Panetta Jennifer Maund, Janis & Doug Maund, Christina Joyce, Peter Sercia Elsa Rivera, Ralph & Gracie Rubio Rachael Vargas, Austin Shake, Chris & Lisa Shake Sue & Jeff Gilles, Lydia Uretsky, David & Mari Teeters Photos by Kelli Uldall

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