Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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just seems like common sense, really [to super- vise kids]. I mean, how stupid are you? CM: With all the bad news in the world today, including the refugee situation and terror- ism…how can comedy lighten that for people in a way that it's digestible and also at the same time inspire people to take action? JL: I mean look, I'm not putting any more importance on it than it [should have]. I don't know that it does inspire people to take action. I think once people can start laughing at a bad guy, [humor can stop them]…I see Trump's anti- Muslim stuff…if you take it seriously it's a prob- lem…if you start laughing at it, there's almost no defense…If you do jokes about it, then sudden- ly he becomes the laughingstock. But I'm giving it more importance. When you look at any of the political cartoons of the 1800s that's what they did….they laughed at people. CM: Obviously you are a very essential part of the Pebble Beach Concours d' Elegance. What are your personal favorite highlights dur- ing Car Week? JL: Well it's sort of the Superbowl for car stuff. The fun thing about Pebble Beach is no matter what you think you know about cars, you always see something there that you never even heard of…you're stumped. Every year I'm like, 'What? Where was that made?' Then you learn the history because it's so varied. The fun thing about the hobby is it's only 150 years old. The whole archeology of it only goes back a couple of generations. That makes it interesting and a little easier to follow…Ultimately when you're a car person, especially in show business, finding other people who are interested in it…. they have a cursory interest. For example, I had a New York state magazine here and they wanted to do a story on my garage. And the reporter's first question was, 'Other than the color, what's the difference between these cars?' CM: Really?! JL: Yeah, that was the question. One is steam and it's 100 years old…I realize you kind of have your work cut out for you…I guess you finally find like-minded people. You see billionaires sit- ting talking with mechanics…some are rich and some are poor but they all seem to have a com- mon interest. CM: Is the Duesenberg really your absolute favorite car? JL: It's one of my favorites…it's the pinnacle of American cars…I like everything. It's not all fancy cars. I like Corvairs and inexpensive cars as well… they all have something. 124 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 Photo: 2014 CNBC Media, LLC. "[In] show business, it's pretty much subjective," Leno says. "Some people think you're funny, and some people think you suck… but if you take something that's broken, and get it running, well no one can say it's not running." 'I was lucky. I had a parent who was always home. It just seems like common sense, really [to supervise kids].'

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