Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 141 (831) 920-0009 • Delta Dental provider Courtesy billing for all insurances. Interest Free Financing Available! Priority of Life. Jochen P. Pechak DDS MSD Diplomate, American Board of Periodontology Perio & Implant Center • 21 Upper Ragsdale Drive Monterey in Ryan Ranch across from The Herald What is precious to you? Everyone has priorities and it's so easy to make YOU last. It is a fact, however, that if your health is not well, you may not be there for others. It all begins with the wellness of your mouth. WE OFFER: Sedation "Sleep" Dentistry Minimally invasive options for Gum Disease, to include Laser L.A.N.A.P. TM and Pin Hole Gum Rejuvenation TM as seen on "The Doctors" January 21, 2014. PRGF, where we use your own enhanced cells, to heal faster – often with no pain. Dental Implants, same day In house Dental CT, virtual treatment planning and Computer Guided Implant Placement Minimally Invasive tooth removal using Piezo Electric tools No cut=No pain. Rated #1 periodontist & implant specialist in the S.F. South Bay & Monterey Bay. Google "Pechak DDS" anytime and read all about it. Hundreds of positive patients cannot be wrong. Many have been kind enough to review their experience to help you. Let's make this the year of a healthy mouth. 3 Shops in The Heart of Pacific Grove Marita's Men will carry everything for the Stylish Man 551 Lighthouse Ave. • (831) 655-3390 547 Lighthouse Ave. • (831) 373-4650 549 Lighthouse Ave. • (831) 657-0114 MARITA'S MEN'S Dockers • Jeremiah • Levis • Pendleton • Toms Shoes • Kühl & more Everything for the Fashionable Woman Sizes XS-3X Coming in February Marita's Men's is relocating to 549 Lighthouse Located between Marita's Boutique and Marita's Shoes. Stylish & Comfortable Shoes for Women Sizes 5 to 12 Narrow & Wide also available. Few childrens shoes. MARITA'S Men's RE - OPENING Boutique, Shoes & Men ' s

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