Tablets & Capsules


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Bosch Packaging Technology Corporate Description Bosch Packaging Technology is the world leader in the design and manufacture of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical oral dose manufacturing and processing systems. With worldwide manufacturing capabilities and local sales and service through the Minneapolis facility Bosch brings the advantages of a partner with big company resources with the personalized sales and service you deserve. Markets Served Bosch Packaging Technology serves the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical tablet and capsule oral dose manufacturing markets. Bosch offers products for development through high speed production. Capsule Fillers The GKF family of capsules fillers from Bosch has been the gold standard in capsule filling technology, and continues to lead the market in quality and innovation. Bosch currently offers models for lab scale production in the GKF702, flexibility and mid to high- speed production from the GKF1400 through the GKF2500. For the ultimate in capsule filling technology and safety the HiProTect series of capsule fillers offer containment and wash down solutions. For nutraceutical production the Capsylon Series of capsule fillers offers Bosch quality standards in an affordable package with models for any production level. Tablet Presses Bosch now offers a full range of tablet press solutions to the market. Now you can have Bosch quality and innovation to satisfy your tablet press needs. With a full range of presses from lab scale machines through high-speed production, Bosch has a solution sure to meet your needs. Robert Bosch Packaging Technology 8700 Wyoming Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55445 Tel: 763 424 4700 Email: Website: Blog: Powder Processing Mixing, drying, and granulation are all key steps in processing powders for capsules or tablets. Bosch offers an attractive line of solutions. With its unique patented design Bosch fluid bed systems offer significantly faster and higher quality processing than other traditional systems. Beyond the systems Bosch has a complete lab able to help you with determining your processing procedures. Let our specialists find the right process for you. Bosch also offers the unique gentle wing® mixing blade in our product mixing systems to help reduce heat buildup and provide a superior mixing action. Major Products and Services Tablets & Capsules Solid Dosage SourceBook June 2016 13

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