Retail Observer

June 2017

The Retail Observer is an industry leading magazine for INDEPENDENT RETAILERS in Major Appliances, Consumer Electronics and Home Furnishings

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COBALT BLUE IMPERIAL BLACK IMPERIAL WHITE ALL COLORS AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES SHOWN: SIGNATURE RED 48" KDRS483VSD 30" 36" 48" FOR THOSE WHO COOK IN COLOR To learn more, link to the BuildA website via Webworld or the Hub. From the beginning, KitchenAid embraced color with our iconic Stand Mixer. Now the commercial styling of our dual fuel range is available in Signature Red, Cobalt Blue, Imperial White or Imperial Black for the perfect kitchen accent. In addition to combining the precise control of a gas cooking surface with an electric oven, these ranges ignite culinary passions with an Even-Heat ™ True Convection Oven with EasyConvect ™ Conversion System, a 20K BTU Ultra Power ™ Dual-Flame Burner, and a 5K BTU Simmer/Melt Burner that reduces to 500 BTUs. STAINLESS STEEL

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