November - December 2018
Jacobs Achieves
Oil Analysis Success
ICML is interested to
hear when its certifi-
cations play a role in
the implementation
and maintenance of
effective oil analysis
programs, like the
one Jacobs imple-
mented at Kennedy
Space Center. The
organization would
also like to recognize
successful programs
with its annual industry
awards. Visit www.
icmlonline.com for
the qualifications and
instructions to nomi-
nate your plant's oil
analysis or lubrication
program for an ICML
industry award.
Paul Hiller
Jacobs Engineering Group
is one of the world's largest
and most diverse providers
of te c h n ic a l, profe s -
siona l and engineering
consu lting ser vices, includ ing
all aspects of a physical facility's
engineering, operations and main-
tenance. As the primary contractor
for the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration's (NASA's)
Test a nd Operations Suppor t
Contract (TOSC) at Kennedy
Space Center (KSC) in Florida,
Jacobs is responsible for the overall
management and implementation of
ground systems capabilities, fl ight
hardware processing and launch
operations. This work supports
NASA's International Space Station,
Exploration Ground Systems, Space
Launch System, Orion Multi-Pur-
pose Crew Vehicle and Launch
Services Programs.
In 2017, Jacobs earned the
Augustus H. Gill Award from the
International Council for Machinery
Lubrication (ICML) for oil analysis
excellence at KSC. In an impressive
display of resourcefulness, Jacobs
developed a centralized oil anal-
ysis program by capitalizing on
independent training and ICML
certifi cations. e resulting program
O i l A n a l y s i s
at the Home of the U.S. Space Program
ICML executive director Leslie Fish (center) poses with members of
the 2017 Augustus H. Gill Award-winning team from Jacobs, including
reliability engineer Sean Hollis (right) and aerospace engineering tech-
nician Jose Atencio (left).