Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2018

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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34 | November - December 2018 | www . M a i n t e n a n c e i s frequently regarded as a necessary evil and tends to be delayed or cancelled to meet production demands. Taking equipment out of service to make repairs or improve functionality can be a tough sell, espe- cially if the only maintenance activity is lubrication. As industry has evolved, so have the practices and philosophies for how and when to perform mainte- nance and lubrication. More options and tools are now available to guide the actions of personnel for nearly all lubrication tasks. However, to truly understand how this evolution has changed the landscape, you must know where maintenance began and where it is today. Maintenance Philosophies Most people are familiar with the term "reactive maintenance." This approach involves repairing machines only after a breakdown or failure. Too often, reactive philoso- phies are adopted by organizations that are short on manpower or stuck in the "that's how we've always done it" mentality. is leads to overblown maintenance budgets, poor opera- tional performance and a staff that is constantly fi refi ghting. As someone who worked in a reactive mode for years, I can attest to the stress it puts on your team. For instance, it was difficult to know when you were going home each day, if at all. Even on weekends or holidays, there was always the risk of being called into work. is maintenance philosophy is not sustainable and has largely been relegated to non-critical or small pieces of equipment. In an eff ort to move away from the reactive state and in cases where safety is paramount, planned or scheduled maintenance was implemented. Known as preventive maintenance, this approach entails having a set period or interval when maintenance is scheduled and then performed. e airline industry provides a good example of this philosophy. Running an airplane engine until failure is not an option because of the safety rami- fi cations. erefore, maintenance is scheduled based on the number of hours or fl ights. e same practice was adopted in industry. is included closely following original equipment manufacturer (OEM) recommenda- tions or intervals to prevent a failure. You probably use a similar method with your vehicle's maintenance. By introducing a scheduling component Understanding the Link Between Lubrication and Maintenance Strategies M aintenance and Reliabilit y IN THE TRENCHES Wes Cash | Noria Corporation WITHOUT A PROACTIVE MINDSET, EQUIPMENT FAILURES WILL CONTINUE TO PLAGUE MOST MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTS." "

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