Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2018

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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10 | November - December 2018 | www . As part of its annual Lube Room Challenge, Machinery Lubrication recently asked its readers to submit excep- tional lube rooms that incorporate best-practice features. A number of readers met the chal- lenge and were proud to show how their lubricant storage and handling methods have been transformed. e following entries illustrate how a properly designed lube room marks an important step in the journey toward lubrication excellence. Anheuser-Busch InBev When a companywide initiative was launched to roll out a Six Sigma 5-S process at each of Anheuser- Busch InBev's 32 plants in North America, it became obvious to the St. Louis brewery just how much more effi cient and eff ective it could be if it kept pushing toward a world- class lubrication room. At the time, the plant's lube room was too small and unorganized with numerous redundant lubricants. Oils of the same viscosity and greases of the same grade from multiple suppliers Taking Lubricant Storage and Handling to the Next Level 2018 LUBE ROOM CHALLENGE Oil totes and drums are now labeled with a color-coded tag to identify the lubricant type and viscosity. The Anheuser-Busch InBev lube room was too small and unorganized with numerous redundant lubricants. BEFORE AFTER

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