Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2018

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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e pursuit of excel- lence is a natural endeavor of human- k ind, whet her it involves a personal hobby, professional occupation or common destination of a group of individuals. Not everyone is blessed with the opportunities to achieve excellence in all aspects of life, but I fi rmly believe that every person has a chance to attain excellence at some point or another. As a young boy, I dreamed of becoming a professional football player. My sports heroes were guys like Derrick omas, Neil Smith, Marcus Allen and Barry Sanders. While I missed out on being one of the best football players in the world, I have become one of the top foot- ball offi cials in my local association. In this pursuit, I have found that all paths to excellence, regardless of the destination, follow a similar course: assess, plan, implement and reassess. Before going any further, I would like to defi ne what excellence means. Excellence is superior, very good for its kind or fi rst class. It does not mean perfect, faultless or without defects. erefore, lubrication excellence does not imply having a perfect program but rather one that is fi rst class. Assess e fi rst step toward a supe- rior lubrication program is to determine where you are on the spectrum of excellence. is can be accomplished by performing an assessment of your current state, preferably by an unbiased source. This step is never easy. Many organizations would like to skip this step, as it is often viewed as an outside authority telling them what they already know — that they are bad. While you may realize that you are nowhere near excellence, you still need this reference point. is is where you can begin tracking how impactful future changes will be to your lubrication program and maintenance budget. A good assessment can reveal a multitude of things, including what you are doing well, what you need to improve, how to measure your ef fectiveness a nd how to ma inta in t he progra m in t he future. is also can help change Getting Started on the Path to Lubrication Excellence "All paths to excellence, regardless of the destination, follow a similar path: assess, plan, implement and reassess." Lubrication Programs Devin Jarrett | Noria Corporation BACK PAGE BASICS 50 | November - December 2018 | www .

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