Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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44 | September - October 2019 | www . ICML Expands Membership Options and Benefits Paul Hiller | ICML "ICML is revamping its membership packages to allow greater flexibility and benefits for organizations and in dividuals." TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION With the recent rollouts of the Machinery Lubri- cation Engineer (MLE) certifi cation and ICML 55 standards for lubricated asset management, the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) has ushered in a new era of purpose and consistency for thou- sands of lubrication and oil analysis practitioners. Along with these successes, ICML is revamping its membership packages to allow greater fl exibility and benefi ts for organiza- tions and individuals who wish to support ICML's mission, collaborate with peers, gain promotional expo- sure and secure exam discounts. WHO IS AN ICML MEMBER? Many people believe if they hold an ICML certifi cation of any kind that they are automatically an ICML member, but this is not the case. ICML certifi cation is not the same as ICML membership. However, certifi cation does qualify an individual to further engage with ICML as an associate member with other benefi ts. e basic primer for ICML's new membership off erings can be found on the organization's website. Full and supporting members are client companies and organizations that plan to sponsor exam sessions during the year, while partner members are entities whose goals and/or audiences overlap with ICML but who have no plans to sponsor exams. Associate members are individuals with active Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA), Machinery Lubrication Techni- cian (MLT), Laboratory Lubricant Analyst (LLA) or MLE certifi cations who have paid a nominal fee for additional recognition opportunities. While ICML's new membership structure remains subject to ongoing revision, following are some of the more obvious changes: MEMBERSHIP LOGOS ICML wants its members to be recognized for their affi liation with the organization, so specialized logos are off ered that help make it easy to publicize their membership status. Full and supporting members use a "member" logo, while partners and associates have their own epony- mous logos. ese can be displayed according to guidelines defi ned in ICML's stylebook. PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Branding and communication are important, but not every member has the tools to pursue such activi- ties. ICML can help its members in these areas. Audience Presentations When ICML pursues speaking opportunities at conferences, or when it considers hosting webi- nars or t weet-chat events, the organization fi rst turns to its full and partner members as potential co-participants. Such co-presenta- L u b r i c a t i o n P r o g ra m s