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118 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 how my work would be received." That level of dedication to his art is the hallmark of a true artist. You can see when an artist has true passion. It ultimately comes through in his work. At this point, the Turners decided that "we had gotten living the city life out of our sys- tems" and returned to the Monterey Peninsula—the home of many of those Early California ar tists the painter so admired. "I had built a reputation in Alameda but had to star t from square one here." To that end, his first move was to enter the Carmel Art Festival competition in 2011. "Being new to town, I wasn't sure I'd be accepted," he says. He was accepted—and in fact, won the People's Choice Award. "That was a really nice 'welcome home.' It really helped get me started." Today, Turner is a respected member of the Monterey Peninsula art community and the Carmel Art Association, and operates his own Carmel gallery. Of course, the walls feature his own work. But for sale, among his own paint- ings, are those of the early California artists whose work he fell in love with years ago. "It's nice to have my work hanging next to that of my heroes," he says proudly. The Joaquin Turner Gallery is one of a handful of artist-owned galleries in Carmel-by-the-Sea. It's located in Su Vecino Court on Dolores St. between 5th and 6th. Visit online at When painting on location — a technique known as en plein air —Turner prefers to work at dawn and dusk. Though more challenging, those times of transition offer a more spiritual and dramatic impression of the landscape. Ensconced in a hand-carved triptych frame, "Moonlit Pines" is an excellent example of the homage Turner pays to early 20th century painters who captured the timeless beauty of the Monterey Peninsula before technology changed it forever.