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140 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 ~ T H E P E N I N S U L A S C E N E ~ 11th Annual Rancho Cielo Culinary Round Up Jimmy Panetta, John Phillips, Susie Brusa Photos by Kelli Uldall M ore than 500 guests tasted delicious bites from top chefs, paired with local wines. Rancho Cielo's Drummond Culinar y Academy students were paired with the chefs to fur ther their education and interact with the guests. Additionally, several Rancho Cielo graduates par ticipated as chefs for their employers. Sal Gutierrez, Mary Anderson, Aris Angelopoulos, Susan Black Tene Shake, Bert Cutino Jamie Bundy, Keith & Kim Prader Michelle Ribeiro, Ted & Velma Balestreri Greg & Teresa Kraft Rich Pepe, Chris Virgen, Albert Holquin, Yoichi Saito Bonnie Adams, Randy & Becky Venard Rich & Francesca Aiello, Patty & Mike Avila Bella Cutino, Kirkor Kocek Kim Burright, Dave Wood Bill & Nancy Doolittle Rachel & Vince Balestreri Leah & Chris Steinbruner Elliot Katz, Miguel Velasquez Joey & Kim Santiago, Steven Whyte, Jason Sheedy, Joanne Gimbel, Lynn Perry Photos: Kelli Uldall