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Mobile Clinic Deliver s Affordable Pet Health Care B Y R E N E E B R I N C K S P et parents from Prunedale to Sand City to San Ardo have a new option for afford- able animal health care. The Wellness Waggin', a 26-foot mobile clinic operated by Luke's Legacy Foundation, began offering medical and dental services for dogs and cats over the winter. Melanie Scherer established the foundation and its sister organi- zation, SNIP (Spay Neuter Imperative Project), to promote animal welfare on California's Central Coast. "We kicked off the Wellness Waggin' in December with free dental care at shelters and local rescue organizations, and we started serv- ing paying customers in January," Scherer says. The mobile clinic concept grew from conver- sations with seniors and families who couldn't cover the full cost of vaccines, blood panels, wound repair, dental work and surgeries. Basic wellness exams start at $35, and by offering ser- vices on a sliding scale, Scherer aims to make life more comfortable for ailing four-legged friends. Her team also helps organize sponsorships for pet owners who need a little extra financial assistance. "When you look at these dogs and cats who are living in pain for whatever reason, it just breaks your heart," Scherer says. "We want to make care affordable for everyone, up and down Monterey County." For Wellness Waggin' appointments, and to learn more about Luke's Legacy Foundation, please visit SHORTCUTS NEIGHBORS The Wellness Waggin' is a mobile clinic run by Luke's Legacy Foundation and pro- vides affordable medical and dental treatments for cats and dogs. 56 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 Photo: Kelli Uldall