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Private art consultant Monica Graham, based in Carmel, hosts entertaining pop-up events that benefit nonprofits while exposing clients to the artists she represents. 60 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 M onica Graham's career transformation from the high-tech world to a private art consultant happened after having her third child. Needing to find a way to raise her kids and still use her business acumen, she stopped working for Fortune 10 companies and started fundraising for the Monterey Museum of Art. "It was the perfect fit…and got me reinvig- orated into the art world," she says. "I met this amazing artist, René Romero Schuler…who asked me to represent her." Graham started holding pop-up events at pri- vate homes and businesses to raise money for charitable causes while showcasing artists (she now represents five), and found that people loved the blend of food, wine, music, art, and giving back to the local community. "I front the cost of the free events, and ven- dors often discount or donate their services. We give a portion of the proceeds from our art sales to a cause," she explains. "We have donated to suicide prevention, the California fire victims, children's organizations, hospitals, and homeless women." Schuler, one of Graham's very popular artists, sold her art as a teenager in order to survive a difficult situation. Her evocative paintings reso- nate deeply with art lovers. "There is a story to be told in whatever piece she creates," Graham says. "The depth of her work is so unique." For more information about the gallery, please visit or call 206/778-7025. Monica Graham Brings Ar t and Community Together B Y B R E T T W I L B U R SHORTCUTS NEIGHBORS Photo: Kelli Uldall