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64 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 Penelope (with owner Anabel Feeney) was treated for a large tumor on her spleen through funding and services provided by Max's Helping Paws Foundation. I t's no secret: healthcare is expensive, not only for humans, but for pets as well. Many times, that causes undue stress, causing families to make the heart wrenching choice between saving a beloved companion or going into debt. Dyana Klein's Mini Pin Max passed away in May 2016. She was devastated. "I had built a world around him," Klein says. "I didn't know what to do." She and her husband, veterinary internist Dr. Jonathan Fradkin, came up with the idea of cre- ating a foundation to help those who couldn't afford the treatments their pets need. "Friends commented on how lucky we were to be able to afford Max's treatment," Klein recalls. "We wanted to do something meaning- ful in Max's memory." By August of the same year, Max's Helping Paws Foundation was up and running. To date, the foundation has awarded nearly $170,000 to 200 local families and pets. "It's not just paying for treatments—though a large percentage does—but also for diagnos- tics," Klein explains. "We want to make sure that no one makes a decision to euthanize a pet without having all the information possible." For more information about Max's Helping Paws Foundation, visit Honoring Max by Helping Families with Veterinar y Expenses B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D SHORTCUTS GIVING BACK Photo: Max's Helping Paws