Carmel Magazine

Spring/Summer 2020

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66 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 100+ Women Who Care on the Central Coast was co-founded by Whitney Brandt. Over $150,000 has been raised for nonprofits in the past decade. Photo: Heidi Borgia F our times a year, about 50 Monterey County women gather for a networking happy hour. After socializing, they hear 15-minute presenta- tions by three nonprofits. Participants vote to support one of the three organizations, and then each person donates $100. Through this simple process, 100+ Women Who Care on the Central Coast has raised more than $150,000 for charitable causes in just 10 years. "It's a great way to meet local women involved in everything from education to rocket science, and you can turn your $100 into thou- sands of dollars in about 45 minutes," says the group's co-founder, Whitney Brandt. Since 2010, 100+ Women Who Care has supported environmental groups, youth arts programs, animal welfare organizations, fire recovery funds, and nonprofits serving children, families, the unhoused and individuals fight- ing serious illnesses. In addition to generating donations, the events raise awareness around participating charities. "We're helping these groups maintain their programs and projects, while also connecting people who served by the nonprofits' efforts," says Brandt. "We really see the impact through- out Monterey County, and it wouldn't be pos- sible without these amazing women who want to make a difference." For meeting and membership information, please visit Local Charitable Circle Ser ves an Altr uistic Purpose B Y R E N E E B R I N C K S SHORTCUTS GIVING BACK

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