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C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 2 0 83 Unmistakably Bennett S a n C a r l o s b e t w e e n 5 t h & 6 t h C a r m e l C A 9 3 9 2 1 B e n n e t t S c u l p t u r e C a r m e l . c o m i n f o @ B e n n e t t S c u l p t u r e C a r m e l . c o m ( 8 3 1 ) 6 2 6 - 3 0 5 4 Tw o G e n e r a t i o n s C r e a t i n g F i n e A r t S i n c e 19 6 7 I n 1994 my father, Bob Bennett and I, created an amazing sculpture. We were working together on 11 sculptures for the last show in our bronze foundry. "Phoenix Rising" was unique. The collection of sculp- tures fell into the style and direction that Dad was moving in, except for this one. We both went to bed thinking about it and would arrive early in the morning to work. It would be the last sculpture that we worked on together. "Phoenix Rising" has been with me in every season of my life for the past 26 years. I have treasured the memory and the energy attached to this sculpture. Our collaboration was very special to me. "Phoenix Rising" would not have a grand release to our collectors until now… the perfect time to acknowledge this gift from my father. May we rise together out of the ashes into a new and brighter light. #carmelRISING "Phoenix Rising" Artist Bob & Ashley Bennett Limited Edition Bronze 150, $1750.00 to serve in innovative ways, in this case making sure kids and their families won't go hungry. "We partnered with the Food Bank and a couple of school districts and we now procure and deliver food to families." Johnson, who's lived on the Peninsula for 50 years, is grateful to live here during this crisis. "It's made me even more proud to live in this community, more than anything else. This com- munity hasn't let the nonprofit sector down. Never has. I've been here since the 1960s. It's gratifying to see the community rally around." These new partnerships, this spirit, will hope- fully continue long after the imminent threat of coronavirus is gone. It's a sentiment echoed by the Chamber's Frank Geisler. "I think a lot of it has to do with a new atti- tude toward one another. We're looking at each other in another way. At the grocery store, peo- ple are watching out for each other. It's not all grim. I think we're going to emerge with a new attitude that is filled with more love, more car- ing, more understanding for elderly and people in need. We've experienced stress and greed, but I think it's going to be different after this. There will be a new paradigm." Sadly, many other major local events that have a huge nonprofit fundraising component have been cancelled for 2020. These include the Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance and most other Car Week events, along with the Monterey Jazz Festival. The loss of these funds to help those in need in the community is enormous. Please consider donat- ing to local nonprofits if you are able. Baldwin says the County is now work- ing under conditions usually reserved for a natural disaster.