Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
Issue link: | November - December 2021 | 17 ML ML ML What Hazard Concerns Could be Iden- tified by the Safety Data Sheets? Hazards relating to physical, chemical, health and the environment are identified and detailed in sections 2 and 3 of the Safety Data Sheets. Further sections provide recommended measures for first aid (section 4), fire-fighting (section 5), actions to take for accidental release (section 6), toxicological information (section 11) and more. W ho Needs to K now about Safet y Data Sheets? While it is not uncommon for all personnel tasked with work in areas where these chemicals are used to be provided awareness training on these documents, it's particularly important for those respon- sible for the selection and management of chemicals onsite. For example, anyone who manages the storage of lubricants or handles their transportation and application into machines must have access to and an under- standing of the Safety Data Sheets. Who Regulates and Defines the Format for Safety Data Sheets? While the Globally Harmonized System (now aligned to the Hazard Communication Standard) for the SDS format is universal, each country dictates how and when these sheets are to be used. In the United States, Safety Data Sheets fall under the jurisdiction of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). What is the Format of the Safety Data Sheets? Safety data sheets are formatted in a standardized 16-section layout, allowing for consistency across industries. e sixteen sections are listed in the adjacent infographic (see later text). W ho Shou ld be Re sponsible for Managing Safety Data Sheets? Typically, these practices are monitored by safety personnel a nd ma naged by inventor y personnel. Ultimately, anyone who works in an area where exposure to chemicals, including lubricants, is a possibility should be provided the necessary health and safety precautions as well as the necessary SDSs. Is Technica l Information, Such as Performa nce Properties, Provided on the Safety Data Sheets? While the Safety Data Sheets contain quite a bit of technical information, the details are intended for only the purposes of safety, health, environmental impact and the like. However, most lubri- cant manufacturers provided Technical Data Sheets (TDS) (sometimes called Product Data Sheets) for more technical and marketing information about how the lubricant should be selected, precautions for use and overall performance properties. W here Can Safet y Data Sheets be Found? ese are free publications that are easily accessible online through the manufac- turers' websites, but they can also be provided directly from the supplier. Typically, on any page where the lubricant information is iden- tified, both the Safety Data Sheet and the Technical Data Sheets can be downloaded. Where Should Safety Data Sheets be Stored? At a minimum, they need to be made available physically in a printed form in areas where lubricants are more frequently stored. Many facilities print and bind the sheets and place them in an accessible location, like a lube room or warehouse. In recent years, SDSs are being made more available in a digital database. ere are safety and inven- tory software programs that can help with this, for example, with services provided by Safetec ( ere are also lubrication management programs, like LubePM (, that conveniently list all the lubricants in the plant and where they are applied; LubePM also makes Safety Data Sheets and Technical Data Sheets easily available for each lubricant on mobile devices. What is the Most Important ing to Know About Safety Data Sheets? Emer- gency phone numbers are listed in Section 1 — if someone is injured, poisoned or made ill by a lubricant, you can call this number for more information; it is available 24/7. Safety First. Often, lubricants (and other chemicals) are routinely taken in and out of areas in the plant. Sometimes there may be uses for lubricants that create risks that some personnel are unaware of, including the risks created if mixed or exposed to other lubricants. e goal of Safety Data Sheets is to always communicate any important information that can maintain a high level of safety in the workplace, especially in industrial environ- ments where exposure is common, such as with lubricants. While handling and applying lubricants to machines, it's not uncommon for there to be fumes and skin contact. In most cases, this is inconsequential if these exposures are limited; but certain lubricants can be much more harmful when not properly considered. Safety Data Sheets can be comprehensive in listing these possible concerns, and whenever uncertain about any possible risks, always reach out to the emergency contact informa- tion provided for clarity. ML About the Author Bennett Fitch is the Chief Strategy Officer for Noria C or porat ion. He is a mechanical engineer who holds a Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE) certification, a Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA) Level III certification and a Machine Lubrication Tech- nician (MLT) Level II certification through the International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML). Contact Bennett at