Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation
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34 | November - December 2021 | www . Sampling Toward a Sustainable Future Bernie Hall | Checkfluid ENVIRONMENT Discover how maintaining proper machine lubrication by reducing contamination and increasing oil cleanli- ness through oil sampling, oil analysis and filtering can help you achieve machine eff iciency and improve your facility's carbon footprint. Why? It's simple: Effi- cient machines consume less energy and oil. Introduction Climate change is an important discussion in the news and on the financial pages. Earlier this year, the United Nations published a report that unequivocally recommended rapid and significant changes in resource consumption. e report states that "observed increases in well-mixed greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations since around 1750 are unequivocally caused by human activities," and that "in 2019, atmo- spheric CO2 concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years [1]." Increasing carbon dioxide and pollution levels have been identi- fied as major contributors to these cha nges. R ising temperatures around the world have resulted in out-of-control forest fires destroying trees. Additionally, melting polar ice and rising water levels are causing erosion and threatening coastal towns and cities. Public opinion and governments are responding. Corporate objectives are being rethought to align with investor and government objectives. For example, this summer, several environmental activists were elected through proxy votes to the board of Exxon Mobil. McDonald's is close to achieving its goal of sourcing all of its paper food packaging in restaurants from recycled or sustainable fiber, and A.P Moller-Maersk is gearing up to run its first carbon-neutral ship in 2023. ese are just some exam- ples of how major companies are setting goals towards reducing their carbon emissions. How can companies move to both a more sustainable and profitable future? By creating a company-spe- cific sustainability plan as a grassroots approach that would be welcomed by the community and investors alike. A great place to start is to revisit their lubrication program. Maintaining oil cleanliness is vital to the performance of lubricated equipment. Oil contamination accel- erates the rate of component wear and leads to premature component failure. In a globally competitive market, companies that can main- tain machine reliability and uptime will be able to keep their costs at a "Corporate objectives are being rethought to align with investor and government objectives."