
HRO TODAY Sept 2013

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BMW Fleet Program A FLEET VEHICLE THAT'S AS REWARDING AS IT IS EXHILARATING. Unrivaled performance, innovation and design have driven the BMW Group for decades. Now your company's employees can get an all-new BMW at a substantially reduced lease price with our exclusive financial services lease funding alternative for car allowance or reimbursements. The BMW Group Corporate Fleet Program provides your employees with a totally innovative approach to the standard company car. By combining our Low Total Cost of Ownership with the style, reliability and performance you'd expect from BMW, you'll be giving your employees the Ultimate reward. LEARN MORE AT BMWUSA.COM/FLEET NO-COST MAINTENANCE 4 YRS / 50K MILES1 1 ® For the first four years from in-service date or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first. For complete details on BMW Ultimate Service, visit Vincentric award earned by the 2012 BMW 750i in the Prestige segment. ©2013 BMW of North America, LLC. The BMW name, model names and logo are registered trademarks.

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