
HRO TODAY Sept 2013

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Talent Management automated email thanking the person for their time and letting them know where the company stands in the hiring process. • Recruitment technology can make the application process straightforward. Many automated systems enable an employer to create a step-by-step process with easy ways to submit an application—such as using a LinkedIn profile. • Job seekers do not want to waste their time seeking out a company or a job that's not right for them. Survey respondents said they wanted detailed job descriptions, in addition to better ways to pinpoint jobs on a company's career site. Rich content presented on a career site— company mission, philosophy, and culture—can help a potential recruit decide whether they are the right fit for the organization and the job. Additionally, recruitment technology, specifically company career sites, can provide potential recruits with a transparent view—a window into the organization. It's the "storefront" where a vital stage of recruitment begins. • Those who are job hunting express a high level of frustration with their ability to find the right job. When companies use recruitment technology for distribution of job leads, the process is more precise. Leveraging the latest technology, organizations have the ability to review metrics that show the best sources of hire for the organization. The entire process is targeted and reaches best-fit candidates for a company's positions. More exact targeting results in higher candidate satisfaction—as well as greater efficiency and reduced cost-per-hire for the employeer. There's no doubt that job seekers are living through "the best of times and the worst of times" in the workplace and the economy. Survey participants clearly and sometimes critically described significant changes occurring in today's employment marketplace. It's the "best of times" for technology in talent acquisition. Online media and recruitment technologies are great enablers—and vital links between the employer and the candidate. Career sites, recruitment software, and social networking sites have certainly made job information more available than ever before. The majority of survey participants said online technology is the most important way for them to locate open positions. [64] HRO TODAY MAGAZINE | SEPTEMBER 2013 Leveraging the latest technology, organizations have the ability to review metrics that show the best sources of hire for the organization. As for the "worst of times," many survey participants characterized the relationship between the potential employer and the candidate as transactional. The reality is that the employment marketplace is crowded, and there are only so many positions to be filled. Even as the economy turns a corner, companies are inundated with resumes, so it is difficult for them to give candidates the personal attention they deserve. Corporate and agency recruiters have a broader choice of candidates and can be more selective. Survey participants indicated that companies appear to be interviewing many candidates and treating them impersonally. To improve the overall process for all parties involved, every organization should periodically review its approach, assess its technology and career portal, and survey its candidates. Only through feedback can an organization continuously improve in talent acquisition. To move toward an employer of choice, companies should develop a value proposition that communicates the characteristics that candidates value. The survey reported work-life balance, good benefits, professional development opportunities, and strong leadership were important. Every contact with a candidate, from receipt of an application through salary negotiation, is an opportunity to enhance a company's brand. Company values, technology, recruiters' behavior, and current employees are all components of a strong brand. Every company should strive to be recognized by its current and potential employees as a great place to work. Tom Boyle is director of product marketing at SilkRoad. For access to the entire report, please visit

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