
HRO TODAY Sept 2013

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Join The Talent Community Conversation That Never Ends! Want a convenient way to connect with HR professionals, and shape dialogue about key issues affecting the human side of business? Want instant access to influencers and ideas from the forefront of today's social workplace? Then you want to be part of #TChat forums, produced by our partners at TalentCulture. Since 2010, participants in #TChat Radio and #TChat Twitter events have explored timely "world of work" topics with business leaders, analysts and experts. These dynamic discussions reach across multiple online channels -engaging thousands of participants and generating millions of cumulative impressions. #TChat is recognized as the #1 HR/talent discussion hashtag on Twitter. And weekly events are so popular that the #TChat hashtag often appears as a global trending topic on Twitter's home page. #TChat events are THE place to be for thought-provoking dialogue about HR innovation, leadership and workforce management. #TChat Twitter or Radio Sponsorships You'll connect with HR professionals and shape content about key issues. These weekly events are the place to be for thought provoking dialogue and HR innovation, leadership and workforce management. You'll have the opportunity to engage senior level HR officers in a live social media environment. Contact Gale Tedeschi for sponsorship information. 973-896-2574 / "Our analytics tools show that #TChat's signal strength is phenomenal." —-Robert Moore, Co-Founder, Internet Media Labs

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