Transform posiTive exposure inTo profiTable markeTing.
Reprints are a simple way to put information
directly into the hands of your target audience.
Having been featured in a well-respected
publication adds the credibility of a third-party
endorsement to your message.
RepRints aRe ideal foR:
n New Product Announcements
n Sales Aid For Your Field Force
n PR Materials & Media Kits
n Direct Mail Enclosures
n Customer & Prospect
n Trade Shows/Promotional Events
n Conferences & Speaking Engagements
n Recruitment & Training Packages
Custom reprint products of articles and
features from SharedXpertise create
powerful marketing tools that serve as
instantly credible endorsements.
Give yourself a competitive advantage
with reprints. Call us today!
For additional information, please contact
Rhonda Brown at Foster Printing Service, the
official reprint provider for SharedXpertise.
Call 866.879.9144 x194 or