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n professional layout Customized reprints expand your marketing materials and strengthen your brand. and design n Customization n Four-Color printing n 80# gloss Stock n pdF proof Your company received great press in a highly respected publication. take full advantage of this opportunity to publicize your accomplishments with a variety of customized reprint products. all RepRint oRdeRS inClude: CuStomized RepRintS The article you choose can be completely customized to suit your needs. include the magazine cover, publication masthead, your logo, a letter from your Ceo, or even a company bio to maximize your return on investment. reprints are printed on quality 80# gloss stock. CuStomized epRintS extend your exposure to the online audience with customized eprints. e-mail distribution is also available on most eprint purchases. mini pRintS/poStCaRdS Customized reprint postcards make a perfect direct-mail campaign. Double-sided mini prints are also available. Special packageS plaqueS, poSteRS and FRamed pRintS plaques, posters and framed prints are suitable for trade shows, special events, point-of-purchase or office display. platinum paCkage n 5000 Customized reprints n lifetime eprint CuStomized enCloSuReS Customized enclosures are designed to fit into a #10 envelope and are perfect for inclusion in direct mail, invoices, and other promotional materials. gold paCkage FoSteR FlipBook flipbook offers a new and exciting way to reach your online audience, by letting them flip the pages of your eprint the same way they would flip through their favorite magazine. add links, audio, and embedded video to take your digital marketing to the next level. n 1000 Customized reprints n lifetime eprint CuStom paCkage awaRd logoS Take full advantage of your hard earned achievements with award logos. use them on your website, in your e-mail signatures, media advertising, annual reports, and investor relations. n You decide which products and quantities best fit your needs. scan this Qr Code or go to for more information about reprints. For additional information, please contact Rhonda Brown at Foster Printing Service, the official reprint provider for SharedXpertise. Call 866.879.9144 x194 or