
HRO TODAY April 2014

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[ 29 ] APRIL 2014 | Quick Training Wins 10 time-tested techniques for boosting productivity. By Jeff Fernandez Global-market competition and other business factors such as the rising cost of healthcare have accelerated the need for companies to be more productive. CIOs, CLOs, and HROs may look far and wide for ways to increase employee productivity. But the solutions they're searching for may be closer at hand than they think. Training employees to make better use of existing technology investments may be the shortest route to impressive gains in productivity and return on investment. A classic (2006) report from The Gartner Group demonstrated that untrained workers take up to six times as long to accomplish work compared with employees who are properly trained. But most people can intuit that training improves productivity, even if they can't identify exactly how much faster the work gets done. And beyond speciļ¬c productivity gains, training shows employees you're willing to invest in their future. Here are 10 proven ways that an HR-led training program can boost productivity, reduce support costs, and increase employee job satisfaction and retention: Learning

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