Tablets & Capsules


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38 October 2016 Tablets & Capsules A survey of what's available Printer with vision inspection Cantilevered-ramp printer applies letters, logos, and other imprints to one or both sides of tablets and can inspect them in same pass for print registration errors; incomplete, double, or blurry printing; chipped, capped, or broken products; and coat- ing defects and specks. It removes single off-spec tablets or cap- sules and features reject verification. Printer's quick-release car- rier bars and color touch-screen control simplify changeover. Adjustable feed angle optimizes fill rate. Servo-driven handling system includes optical encoder speed and position feedback. Inspection system handles R&D batches and production streams as large as 1,000,000 tablets per hour. Ackley Machine, Moorestown, NJ. Tel. 856 234 3626 Cold laser marker Ultraviolet (UV) cold laser marker imprints high-resolution markings on as many as 250,000 tablets, capsules, or softgels per hour to deter counterfeiting and drug theft and enable track and trace. UV laser activates titanium dioxide pigment to etch image on product surface, even if wet or oily, and does not affect prod- uct integrity. Indelible, clear, tamper-proof text, barcodes, and graphics facilitate serialization of single doses as well as batches and do not fade or degrade. Cold laser can mark surface through clear window of sealed blister packs. Company offers DQ, IQ, and OQ validation; controls comply with 21 CFR Part 11. Tri-Star Technologies, El Segundo, CA. Tel. 310 536 0444 tablet & capsule identification Edible on-dose microtags Low-cost microtags are edible, high-purity, GRAS-listed silica wafers for use in tablets, capsules, coatings, or packaging. Covert spectral barcodes contain information about product identity, dosage strength, lot number, site of manufacture, expi- ration, and more. Portable scanner lets you authenticate/reject product at any site. Microtags and scanner help protect your brand, prevent counterfeits, detect diversion, verify product returns, improve recall management, monitor product informat- ics, administer clinical trials, and track quality. TruTag Technologies, Kapolei, HI. Tel. 808 878 8247 www.

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