FEDA News & Views


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18 FEDA News & Views 3 Simple Exercises You Can Do Now By Daniel Pink, the Author of To Sell is Human ises, and guarantees that grow your busi- ness and build relationships. Who do you want to do business with—someone who is going to try or someone who commits? You Can't Fake Genuine Let me paint the picture for you: I'm rounding the corner on mile 26 of the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, and I see Paul Angrick. (Paul and his wife, Meg; and Paul and Judie Gustafson par- ticipated in the 5K portion of this event.) After I crossed the fi nish line, Angrick fl ashed a broad smile and seemed more thrilled than me by my accomplishment. His excitement was infectious and it made the moment even more special. The same Paul I've encountered in the personal, is the same Paul that greets me in business. There's nothing fake about the guy. What you see is what you get. You may not always like the answer, but there is no hidden agenda with Paul. In most of my initial business meet- ings, I often make the statement, "I'm playing my cards face up." That's what I've learned from Paul. Some may say it's a silly negotiating style, but what I've found is that if everyone involved in the discussion does this, the ultimate decision is easy to come by. It's a math equation or a personal decision. I had a colleague that shared these parting words of wisdom with me upon his retirement. He said, "On my grave- stone they should write, "This guy was the greatest plagiarist there ever was." I didn't come up with these concepts that I've shared with you. I've simply seen them in people I admire and want- ed to emulate. The Keith of 15 years ago would have probably listened to this speech and thought, "What a weak indi- vidual; I'll eat this guy up." Thankfully, I've listened and learned and it has helped our company grow in relevance to both our customers and suppliers. I could go on and on for hours talking about all the people that I have learned from over the years. This is what makes our industry so great. It's what makes FEDA so special. It gives us the opportu- nity to share and learn from one another. I'm amazed at what I've received from attending the last 12 FEDA conventions. The people that I've met and the rela- tionships that I have built. I'm looking forward to my next 12. The Opening and the Closing Former Navy pilot and leadership con- sultant Carey Lohrenz closed the same way keynote speaker Daniel Pink opened the 2017 FEDA Convention—strong. Big picture: Both challenged attendees to move beyond dated leadership styles and management techniques. Pink tak- ing a more contemplative approach root- ed in the social sciences, while Lohrenz made the case for being fearless as she connected the dots between the world of naval aviation and business. Read on for more specifi cs from their presenta- tions. One of the epic scenes in the cinema of sales occurs early in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. A young Alec Baldwin plays Blake, a cold-blooded predator in a fi nely-tailored suit, who visits the sad sack real estate salesmen of Mitch and Murray to school them on the realities of selling. After berating the men and questioning their masculin- ity, Blake fl ips over a green chalkboard and points to where he's written the fi rst three letters of the alphabet. "A-B-C," he bellows. "A– Always. B– Be. C– Closing. Always be clos- ing. Always be closing." "Always be closing" is a cornerstone of the sales cathedral. Its simplicity makes it understandable and memorable. But these days, this advice is outdated. When buyers have many options, lots of information, and the means to talk back, the steamroller approach is a relic. That's why To Sell is Human introduces the new ABC's: A–Attunement. B–Buoyancy. C–Clarity. Whether you're trying to move a prospect to buy a computer system or your daughter to do her homework, these three qualities are now essential. Attunement is the capacity to take another's perspective, to understand their interests, and to see the world from their point of view. Buoyancy is the capacity to stay afl oat on what continued on page 20 The New ABC's Of Selling

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