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Tablets & Capsules March 2018 49 T X . C o n d u c t e d b y A m e t e k Brookfield (www.brookfieldengineer-, 508 946 6200). Granulation & Tableting Process. April 17-19 in Binzen, Germany. Conducted by Technology Training Center (, +49 762 1664 308). Interphex. April 17-19 in New York, NY (, 888 334 8704). CPhI Japan. April 18-20 in Tokyo, Japan. Conducted by UBM (, +31 204 099 544). Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements. April 19 in Chicago, IL. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield (, 508 946 6200). A Risk Based Approach to Data Integrity. April 19-20 in Washington, DC. Conducted by the Global Compliance Panel (www.globalcom, 800 447 9407). Serialisation and Tracking of Pharmaceutical Products Summit. April 19-20 in Berlin, Germany. Conducted by Vonlanthen Group (, +42 210 022 041). Antibiotics: R&D, B2B. April 20-21 in Las Vegas, NV. Conducted by ConferenceSeries (www.antibiot, 888 843 8169). Physiochemical Characterization, Solubilization and Solid Form Screening for Drug Candidate Selection. April 23-25 in Madison, WI. Conducted by University of W i s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n S c h o o l o f Pharmacy ( .edu, 877 947 4255). CPhI North America. April 24-26 in Philadelphia, PA. Conducted by UBM (, 212 600 3000). Dietary Supplement Label Claim a n d P r o m o t i o n . A p r i l 2 6 - 2 7 . Webinar. Conducted by NSF (www., 800 673 6275). Practical Course on Viscosity M e a s u r e m e n t s . A p r i l 2 6 i n Middleboro, MA. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield (www.brookfield, 508 946 6200). calendar March Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements. March 15 in Salt Lake City, UT. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield (www.brookfield, 508 946 6200). Preparing for and Surviving an FDA Inspection. March 19-20 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by t h e C e n t e r f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l Advancement (, 732 238 1600). Q b D — P r o d u c t & P r o c e s s Optimization using Design of Experiments. March 19-21 in Boston, MA. Conducted by Center for Professional Innovation & Education (, 610 648 7550). DCAT Week. March 19-22 in New York, NY. Conducted by the D ru g, Ch em ical, & A sso ciated Technologies Association (www., 609 208 1888). Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems. March 19-21 in Berlin, Germany. Conducted by ConferenceSeries (www.novel-drug delivery-systems.pharmaceuticalcon, 888 843 8169). 1 1 t h W o r l d M e e t i n g o n Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, and Pharmaceutical Technology. March 19-22 in Granada, Spain. Conducted by ResearchPharm (www.worldmeet-, +49 6131 9769 85). Pharma Security World. March 20-21 in London, UK. Conducted by Corvus Global Events (www.corvus, +44 207 096 0786). Ultimate Guide to Compression Tooling Seminar. March 21-22 in Nottingham, UK. Conducted by I Holland (www.tablettingscience. com, +44 115 972 6153). American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Annual Meeting. March 21-24 in Orlando, FL (, 703 836 6981). Practical Course on Viscosity M e a s u r e m e n t s . M a r c h 2 2 i n Middleboro, MA. Conducted by Ametek Brookfield (www.brookfield, 508 946 6200). Documentation Management and Control. March 22-23 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the Center for Professional Advancement (, 732 238 1600). Drug Formulation, Solubility, and Bioavailability Summit. March 26-28 in Boston, MA. Conducted by ExL Pharma (, 866 207 6528) Process Safety and Accident Prevention. March 26-28 in New Brunswick, NJ. Conducted by the Center for Professional Advancement (, 732 238 1600). CPhI Southeast Asia. March 2 7 - 2 9 i n J a k a r t a , I n d o n e s i a . Conducted by UBM. (www.cphi. com, +31 207 081 605). April Tablet Compression Training. April 3 in Holbrook, NY. Conducted by Tablet Compression Resource (www.tabletcompressionresource. com, 631 655 0174). The Manufacturing Process. A p r i l 3 - 5 i n C l e v e l a n d , O H . Conducted by Techceuticals (www., 216 658 8038). S h o r t C o u s e S e r i e s i n Pharmaceutical Solids. April 4-5 in Burlingame, CA. Conducted by SSCI (, 765 463 0112). D i e t a r y S u p p l e m e n t G o o d Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Compliance Seminar. April 4-5 in Denver, CO. Conducted by EAS Consulting (www.easconsultingroup. com, 571 447 5500). Practical Approaches to Design of Experiments (DoE) for Chemical Process R&D. April 10-11 in Boston, M A . C o n d u c t e d b y S c i e n t i f i c Update (, +44 1435 873 062). S e c r e t s o f B a t c h P r o c e s s Scale-up. April 10-12 in Boston, MA. Conducted by Scientific Update (, +44 1435 873 062). Pack Expo East. April 16-18 in Philadelphia, PA. Conducted by PMMI (, 571 612 3200). Practical Course on Viscosity Measurements. April 17 in Dallas,