Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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E ENVISION A NATION IN WHICH EVERY STATE CAPITOL houses a biblically based ministry of evangelism and discipleship where elected Public Servants and Constitutional Officers from all parties gather together to study the Word of God. Far from their homes, families, churches, and spiritual support for extended periods of time, Public Servants are subjected to trials, temptations, and situations in which they need the counsel and the support of strong Christians. at need is met by our Ministry Leaders: proven, intentional, deliberate, and biblically reliant disciple makers who lead weekly in-depth, exegetical Bible stud- ies, and provide evangelism, prayer, disci- pleship, ministry support, and friendship. Many Legislators have expressed their appreciation for the ministry, saying the Bible studies have led them to deeper discernment of God's Word, that the support has helped them make the tough political and good personal choices, and helped them remember that they are accountable to God for the decisions they make. In the past 20 years, Capitol Ministries has planted Bible study ministries in 40 U.S. state Capitols, many of which are now independent. is year, new ministries were estab- lished in Ohio, Vermont, Hawaii, Massa- chusetts, and Wisconsin. Our current goal is to launch ministries in seven more state Capitols, and continue efforts to replant state ministries that have not thrived over the years. With a mission of creating disciples of Jesus Christ in the political arena, our desire and prayer is also to expand the influence of each of the ongoing state Capitol ministries in the years ahead. is will be accomplished by adding Ministry Leaders in each Capitol, incorporating ministry programs like Pas- tors' Day At e CapitolĀ®, and establishing additional and separate Bible studies for staff and others. We also seek to exhort fellow believers in the body of Christ to honor governmental leaders in both word and deed by prioritizing evangelism (1Timothy 2:1-4), practicing godly submission (Romans 13:1-7, 1Peter 2:13-17), and pursuing biblical disciple making (Matthew 28: 19-20). As with all our ministries, in our service to state Public Servants we do not push political agendas. Rather than issues, we stay focused on the biblical model of changing hearts and minds and winning Public Servants for Christ. Travel with us om the West Coast to the Eastern Seaboard as we highlight some of our many state ministries on the following pages. State Ministries W 16 CM 20th | State Ministries " . . . And you will even be brought before governors and kings for My Perry Gauthier Director North America Affinity Sphere 10 AFFINITY SPHERES NORTH AMERICA

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