Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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PARTNERSHIP OF MANY BROUGHT ABOUT NEWLY-PLANTED MINISTRIES in the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, one to Legislators and Constitutional Officers and separate one for staff. Rep. Paul Tittl, District 25, Manito- woc, has been hosting and leading a Bible study for Lawmakers since shortly aer he took office in 2013 and learned there was none. Preparing for the study took a great deal of Rep. Tittl's time and the vision was for a more complete outreach ministry, so since then Capitol Ministries has been looking for a Ministry Leader to partner with Rep. Tittl. is year we found Mike Beresford, Director of Outreach Services at High Point Church in Madison. With assistance from Joanna Schroeder, the church's Workplace and Politics Intern, Mike began a ministry to staff this summer and will begin Bible studies to Legislators in January 2017. e discipleship ministries have the support of Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. High Point Church has a strong outreach vision, and when Mike moved from Colorado to join the staff last year, he planned to have ministries to the business and political communities. Mike had previously worked for 11 years with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association developing new ministries. "We want to see people in the Capitol come to Christ and those who are Christians really become substantial Christians so their faith is not plagued by lack of confidence or doubt or trends or those things that develop domino believers." Mike said. "We want them to be centered in the Lord, confident of their identity in Christ and to know that they are not alone in a place that would like to spit them out, but that God has placed them there. We want them to know that government is a way to bring order to His creation and that trusting God in his sovereignty is much bigger than any vote. "We want them to know to seek the kingdom first." Rather than teaching, Rep. Tittl will be the host and sponsor of the ministry to Lawmakers. "Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase," Rep. Tittl said. "is is going to be a great partnership. I think the heart of Capitol Ministries is my heart as well, that is reaching people for Jesus Christ." "Capitol Ministries is vital and I believe their Bible studies should be in every single Capitol in the United States." A State Ministries | CM 20th 23 Wisconsin Wisconsin State Capitol capital: Madison population: 5,783,242 governor: Sco Walker legislature: 132 Mike Beresford Ministry Leader Devils Lake, Wisconsin Landscape of Devils Lake State Park near the Wisconsin Dells.

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