Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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U.S. Progress Map | CM 20th 17 sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles." M a t t h e w 1 0 :18 C ALIFORNIA HAWAII ALASKA OREGON WASHINGTON NEVADA IDAHO NEW MEXICO ARIZONA MONTANA WYOMING UTAH COLORADO NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA NEBRASKA KANSAS OKLAHOMA TEXAS LOUISIANA ARKANSAS MISSOURI IOWA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN ILLINOIS MICHIGAN INDIANA MISSISSIPPI ALABAMA FLORIDA GEORGIA SOUTH C AROLINA TENNESSEE KENTUCKY OHIO WEST VIRGINIA VIRGINIA PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK MARYLAND MAINE D.C. DELAWARE NEW JERSEY CONNEC TICUT RHODE ISLAND MASSACHUSET TS NEW HAMPSHIRE VERMONT NORTH C AROLINA U.S. Progress Map Vision Progress U.S. Capitols: 50 Ministries in 50 States Red-colored states represent where ministries have been planted. Gray- colored states represent where Capitol Ministries is working to start a ministry by the end of 2017. 40 discipleship ministries have been planted in 40 state Capitols to benefit state Representa ves, Senators, and Cons tu onal Officers. For progress update, visit

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