Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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HERE ARE NO CHURCHES, PREACHER S OR GOSPEL WITNESS in most of the large cities and thousands of small towns that comprise the area once known as Soviet Bloc countries in Eastern Europe. Oleg Rachkovski, Capitol Min- istries Affinity Sphere Director for Eurasia, wants to change that. He is charged with finding the godly, bibli- cally reliant Bible teachers who have hearts for evangelism and who will take the Gospel to the leaders of those areas, which is a good place to begin. While it may seem an overwhelming task, Oleg reasons that the leaders in former Communist Bloc nations become Christians in the same way that people everywhere do: by hearing the Word of God and putting their faith in Jesus Christ. "Every country needs them, but because of the Communist and atheist experience under the Soviet Union, our countries need in-depth disciple- making Bible ministries even more," he said. Eurasia Oleg Rachkovski Director Eurasia Affinity Sphere T 10 AFFINITY SPHERES EURASIA Night winter panorama of Minsk, Belarus. 38 CM 20th | International

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