Capitol Ministries

20th Anniversary Report - Capitol Ministries

Capitol Ministries, Ralph Drollinger

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period of time. It is this first-things-first principle — to preach the Gospel before all else — that Jesus intends for His Body of believers to carry out today. Capitol Ministries embraces this principle with enthusiasm and for 20 years has persistently and joyfully labored to take the Gospel to the political leaders of the world. We began in 1996 with what seemed at the time to be a very ambitious goal — to create a discipleship Bible study in the Sacramento Capitol to reach California Lawmakers. Once that was accomplished, we began to plant similar ministries with a goal to establish 50 ministries in 50 states. We saw a national need and birthed a ministry in the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. for Senators and Representatives that today has 68 Congressional sponsors. God continued to open doors and Capitol Ministries expanded across the globe, establishing discipleship Bible studies in two dozen foreign federal Capitols. We spend a great deal of time, sometimes years, finding solid, talented Bible teachers who have hearts for evangelism. We train, equip, and provide them with on-going support that includes annual conferences and access to Bible studies that are offered in English, Russian, French, and Spanish so the national leaders they serve may read the studies in their own languages. These Bible studies, which immerse Public Ser vants in the Word of God, are written specifically to meet the needs of leaders. For these past 20 years (and with seminary training ) I have been committed to continually perfecting written Bible studies specifically for this people group. My goal is that they have both depth and personalized application to the lives as well as political decisions that must be made by these busy, influential people. e studies look at today's problems through a biblical lens, such as Solomon's Advice on How to Eliminate an $19 Trillion Debt; What the Bible Says About Our Illegal Immigration Problem; and in two parts, e ISIS reat: e Bible on When War is Justifiable. Because life on the Hill is so challenging and complicated, other studies address personal issues such as Four Barriers to Becoming a Wise Leader; The Profound Theological Importance of Husband-Wife Marriage; and How Are You at Handling Betrayal? be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority dignity. is is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, the knowledge of the truth. 1Ti m o t h y 2 :1- 4 From the President | CM 20th 5 "C apitol Ministries is very commi ed to helping elected officials go deep and understand the Scriptures and how they apply to what we do in Washington, D.C. as Lawmakers. This is a unique environment and one in which we need to have people of faith applying that faith in a real way. The in-depth Bible studies reveal the Truth in Scriptures as a real means of changing people, changing lives, and changing behaviors. It is a powerful tool. Capitol Ministries comes along side; iron sharpens iron. The ministry is there to instruct, admonish, encourage, exhort, and inspire elected officials to lead their lives and conduct themselves in a way that brings glory to God, to reminded us of what is important, what our priori es should be, and what we should be treasuring." John Thune U.S. Senator South Dakota Con nued on page 6 Washington, D.C. panorama featuring the Washington Monument and Thomas Jefferson Memorial with cherry blossoms in bloom.

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