Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2017

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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www . | November - December 2017 | 37 How to Preserve Equipment in Storage Preservation lubricants come in a variety of different types to help preserve machinery in the best possible condition. Read this article on the ML site to discover the best course of action regarding the amount of oil that machines should be stored with as well as options for constantly purging stored equipment. How Hydrolysis Can Affect Your Oil Water contamination can affect machines in a variety of ways, including leading to a chemical breakdown of the oil or lubricant. is is known as hydrolysis. Access this 1-minute, 34-second video to find out the effects hydrolysis can have on your oil and how to determine if your lubricant is prone to hydrolyze. 10 Things You Should Know About Varnish Varnish is not easy to define because there is no single type. Many things affect the kind of varnish that forms, including the operating conditions, the type of oil and the environment. Check out this article on the ML site for a list of 10 things that should be under- stood about varnish as it applies to lubrication. How to Detect Electrostatic Discharges in Oil As an oil's conductivity decreases, the potential for electrostatic discharge increases. e charge develops from friction between the oil's molecules as well as between the oil and the surface of the piping, reser- voir, filter housing, etc. Learn the factors that affect an oil's conductivity along with the best methods for minimizing the charge potential by reading this article on the ML site. Hydraulic Gear Motors and How They Work Some lubrication professionals may not fully under- stand how a hydraulic gear motor works. Access this 2-minute, 11-second video to get a detailed look at the interior of a motor, its gears and body. See how oil is pushed into the inlet port and through the outlet, traveling between the gear teeth and the gear housing, generating the rotation of the shaft. ML MachineryLubrication. com is the place to turn for white papers on a host of lubrica- tion-related topics. Here's a sampling of the latest white papers that are currently available for download: • Connecting Elemental Analysis to Particulate Count: A New Technique to Detect Failures • Critical System Gearbox Filtration • The Mendoza Line of Oil Analysis • Ultrasound Lube Technician Hand Book Check out the full list of white papers by visiting MachineryLubrication. com and clicking on the "White Papers" link. FEATURED WHITE PAPERS BY THE NUMBERS Find more great ar ticle s and content f rom M achin er y Lubric ation magazin e onlin e. From web exclusive s and indus tr y n ews to vide os , white pap er s , buyer 's guide s and more, ever y thing that relate s to machin er y lubric ation is available now on w w w. M achin er yLubric ation .com . 71 % of lubrication professionals employ both an inspection program and a condition monitoring program to maintain equipment at their plant, based on a recent survey at NOW ON MACHINERYLUBRICATION.COM

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