Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2017

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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38 | November - December 2017 | www . In the current elec- t ron ic a ge, m a ny people think of paper as a dying industry. While it's true that more businesses are going "paperless," consider all the paper products that are still used in homes and offices every day. ese would include things such as paper towels, hygiene products, diapers, etc. All of these items are made in paper factories that were either built for these products or have been retooled to manufacture them. In addition, these segments of industry are growing, causing the demand to keep the machines running at an all-time high. One of the best ways to achieve fault-free operation of paper machines is to ensure the proper lubricant is applied to the frictional surfaces. Most paper machines have hundreds, if not thousands, of lube points that require periodic application of oil or grease. ere are bearings, gears, couplings, journals, cylinders and valves which must all receive the correct lubricant to survive the rigors of the paper-making process. Circulating Systems Since paper machines often have a high number of lube points in close proximity, they typically are lubricated with circulating oil. In this setup, oil is pumped from a central reservoir throughout the system, with supply piping running to the lube points and return piping channeling lubricant back to the reservoir. is type of lubrication system is advanta- geous for a variety of reasons. Machines lubricated with circu- lating oil tend to operate cooler than those that are splash-lubricated. is reduced operating temperature helps extend the life of the lubricant and the lubricated component. Besides its cooling function, circulating oil also can reduce the labor costs of lubricating each point individually. Although a lubrication technician must monitor each line to ensure the proper volume is being applied, phys - ically adding oil to every point is not required with these systems. Circulating systems employ pumps that force oil where it needs to go. Since the oil is pumped, there is an opportunity to filter it and remove harmful contaminants that may damage sensitive machine components. It is not uncommon to find multiple filter locations within paper machine oil systems. Filters located in the supply line can remove contaminants before the oil goes Best Practices for Lubricating Paper Machines Indus trial Lubric ant s IN THE TRENCHES Wes Cash | Noria Corporation MOST PAPER MACHINES HAVE HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS, OF LUBE POINTS THAT REQUIRE PERIODIC APPLICATION OF OIL OR GREASE." "

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