Machinery Lubrication

Machinery Lubrication November-December 2017

Machinery Lubrication magazine published by Noria Corporation

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Over the past few years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of food-grade lubricants for machines operating in the pharmaceutical industry. While these lubri- cants can be beneficial, several other factors must be considered. Modern machinery used in the produc- tion of pharmaceuticals generally requires minimal or even no lubrication, particularly in sections of the production line where the product or its packaging is processed. However, other machines with chains or moving components near the production line may need lubrication, and the lubricant recommended by the equipment manufac- turer might not always be classified as H1 food grade or certified according to the ISO 21469 standard. In these cases, it must be determined whether the machinery should be lubricated with conventional lubricants or if there are specific requirements for selecting an appropriate lubricant. Lubricant Requirements Lubricant selection should begin by considering the lubrication needs of the component or machine in terms of the load, speed, viscosity and application method. Once these parameters have been defined, additional requirements must be taken into account, such as food-grade properties. While the use of food-grade lubricants is widely accepted in pharmaceutical facilities, these H1-registered or 44 | November - December 2017 | Selecting Lubricants for Pharmaceutical Facilities Food- gra de Lubric ant s PERSPECTIVE Alejandro Meza | Noria Corporation 31% of lubrication professionals do not know when a food-grade lubricant is required, according to a recent survey at

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