Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2020

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/1256204

Contents of this Issue


Page 49 of 91

SUMMER Your Customers will Use Up & Come Back for More (727)442-3663 OR SALES@TERRAPINRIDGE.COM E y Add-On Sal alexianpate.com info@alexianpate.com 800-927-9473 Fancy Food for the Soul H F The Specialty Food Association will induct the following members into its 2020 Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame's mission is to honor individuals whose accomplishments, impact, contributions, innovations, and successes within the specialty food industry deserve praise and recognition. Following are the members of the 2020 Hall of Fame class. Profiles can be found at specialtyfood.com/ awards/hall-fame. M L C THE COACH DAIRY GOAT FARM R G GRAETER'S ICE CREAM P L AVENUE GOURMET P DB PIROULINE BAKING COMPANY J H VERMONT SPECIALTY FOOD ASSOCIATION S G ZABAR'S

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