Tablets & Capsules


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TABLETS & CAPSULES Tablets & Capsules (ISSN 1549-9928 print; ISSN 1938-9159 online) is published by CSC Publishing, Inc, 1155 Northland Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55120. w w w . t a b l e t s c a p s u l e s . c o m September 2020 Volume 18 Number 6 C o v e r p h o t o s h o w s T P R 2 0 0 t able t press for small to medium batches of up to 230,000 tablets per hour. Hy- gienic, easy-to-clean design allows for fast changeover, and exible con guration in- cludes options for R&D, con- tainment applicat ions, and bilayer tableting. Cour tesy of Syntegon Pharma Tech- nology. F or more infor ma- tion, call 763 424 4700 or visit TABLETING Minitablets and microtip tooling 8 Todd D. Martin The science behind sticking and how to resolve it 18 Rob Blanchard Issue focus: Tableting 24 Back Page Cover 3 Dale Natoli ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Water activity and moisture: The complexity and interrelationships explained 28 P. H. M. Janssen, R. J. Blezard, and B. H. J. Dickhoff PharmSci 360 preview 37 Gelatin supply disruptions threaten US pharmaceutical manufacturers 38 Jonathan Gilinski Liquid capsule lling: A survey of what's available 41 Using near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric modeling to simultaneously determine ibuprofen and caffeine concentration in softgels 44 Jose Acosta, So a Pareja, Dahgna Paez, Jefferson Castro, Freddy Barrios, and Jorge Ropero Eye on Excipients 50 Yukiko Suganuma DEPARTMENTS Markets 6 Industry news 6 Industry innovations 43 Calendar 54 Supplier news 54 People news 56 Advertiser index 56

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