Tablets & Capsules


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46 January/February 2021 Tablets & Capsules ConferenceSeries (herbalmedicine., 201 380 5561). Natural Medicines and Pharma- ceutical Research. March 24-25 in Paris, France. Conducted by Confer- enceSeries (naturalmedicine.pharma, 201 380 5561). Tablet Press Training Seminar Level 1. March 25 in Cypress, CA. Con- ducted by Natoli Engineering (natoli. com, 636 926 8900). Solid Dose Manufacturing. March 30-April 1 in Cleveland, OH. Con- ducted by Techceuticals (, 216 658 8038). supplier news Syntegon opens OSD customer center in Germany WAIBLINGEN, Germany—Syn- tegon Technology has opened an oral solid dosage (OSD) customer center at its Waiblingen location. The 600-square-meter building houses cleanrooms, assembly areas, offices, meeting rooms, training space, and other departments to meet customers' OSD formulation devel- opment and production needs. Expert staff will solve client problems, opti- mize and develop processes, and pro- vide seminars and training. ACG acquires stake in IQGEN-X MUMBAI, India—ACG, a sup- plier of integrated pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies, has acquired a significant stake in Mum- bai-based IQGEN-X, a CRO that specializes in niche and complex drug development technologies. The acquisition allows ACG to expand its R&D division and support its commitment to improving customer experience through the pharmaceuti- cal supply and value chains. Camfil to rebuild Jonesboro site JONESBORO, AK—Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC), a manu- facturer of industrial dust, fume, and mist collection systems, will build a calendar Food and Dietary Supplement Label- ing Compliance Virtual Seminar. Feb- ruary 1, 3, and 5. Online. Conducted by EAS Consulting (www.easconsult, 571 447 5500). Dietary Supplement Good Manu- facturing Practices (GMP) Compli- ance Virtual Seminar. February 2, 4, 9, and 11. Online. Conducted by EAS Consulting (www.easconsultinggroup. com, 571 447 5500). Solid Dose Manufacturing. February 3-5 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals. com, 216 658 8038). Cleaning, Inspection, and Mainte- nance 101. February 4 in Cypress, CA. Conducted by Natoli Engineering (, 636 926 8900). Entering The Dietary Supplement Market as a Startup—Product Devel- opment Planning for Regulatory Compliance. February 4-6. Online. Conducted by NSF (, 734 769 8010). The Packaging Conference. February 8-10 in Amelia Island, FL. (www.the, 844 722 2663). Regulatory Submissions, Information, and Document Management Forum. February 8-10. Online. Conducted by Drug Information Association (www., 215 442 6100). Basics of Tablet Manufacturing & Troubleshooting. February 9-11 in St. Charles, MO. Conducted by Natoli Engineering (, 636 926 8900). Food Safety Plans and Hazard Analy- sis for the Dietary Supplement Indus- try. February 11. Online. Conducted by NSF (, 734 769 8010). Tablet Development & Scale Up. February 16-18 in Telford, PA. Con- ducted by Natoli Scientific (natoli. com, 636 926 8900). Quality in Manufacturing. February 16-18 in Miami, FL. Conducted by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals. com, 216 658 8038). 21 CFR 111 Dietary Supplement GMP Overview: 3 Part Instruc- tor Led Remote Training. February 17-19. Online. Conducted by NSF (, 734 769 8010). Latin America Regulatory Confer- ence. February 22-24. Online. Con- ducted by Drug Information Associ- ation (, 215 442 6100). IFPAC Annual Meeting. February 28-March 5. Online. Conducted by the International Forum on Process Analytical Chemistry (www.ifpac, 847 543 6800). March Tablet Manufacturing Process Train- ing. March 1 in Brooklyn, NY. Con- ducted by Natoli Institute LIU (natoli. com, 636 926 8900). Cannabis - Tablet Development Training. March 1 in Telford, PA. Conducted by Natoli Scientific (, 636 926 8900). Solid Dose Manufacturing. March 2-4 in Cleveland, OH. Conducted by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals. com, 216 658 8038). Manufacturing Cannabis Tablets 101. March 3-4 in Cypress, CA. Con- ducted by Natoli Engineering (natoli. com, 636 926 8900). Pittcon. March 8-12. Online. Con- ducted by Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (, 412 825 3220). Pharmaceutical Chemistry Confer- ence. March 10-11. Online. Con- ducted by ConferenceSeries (pharma ceuticalchemistry.annualcongress. com, 201 380 5561). Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems. March 15-16. Online. Con- ducted by ConferenceSeries (novel- drugdelivery-systems.pharmaceutical, 201 380 5561). Quality in Manufacturing. March 16-18 in Los Angeles, CA. Conducted by Techceuticals (www.techceuticals. com, 216 658 8038). Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. March 22-23. Online. Conducted by

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