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stracts submitted to CRS pertaining to its 10 core areas. Each session will include two invited speakers, five research highlight talks, and a mod- erated discussion with the speakers. Session topics include: "Drug Deli very to the Brain," covering strategies to overcome the blood-brain barrier to treat tumors, traumatic brain injury, and degenerative diseases; "Formu - lating Oral Solid Dosage Forms to Enhance Drug Delivery," focusing on APIs with poor solubility and complex stability challenges; "Modulated and Responsive Delivery Systems," aimed at zero-order release profiles, and "Oral Drug Delivery," which examines advances beyond traditional matrix tablets using technologies such as 3D printing, lipophilic pro-drugs, poly- meric nanoparticles, and gastroreten- tive delivery systems. Plenary sessions Plenary speaker sessions feature "Customized Drug Delivery: A Per - sonal Odyssey," in which noted pro- fessor of medicine, Dr. Vincent H.L. Lee, shares how his personal struggle with Parkinson's disease sharpened his awareness of why drug delivery advances, both scientific and regula- tory, are needed to meet pa tient needs. Another session, "Poly mers and Nano medicines: The Pro mises and Pitfalls of New Materi als," looks at promising developments with respon- a preview The Controlled Release Society (CRS) is taking its annual meeting to Edinburgh, Scotland, July 26-29. This year's theme is "Creating Value Through Customized Delivery." Organ izers anticipate 1,250 or more attendees—roughly half from industry and half from academia—from 45 countries. Networking opportunities are plentiful with the Consumer & Diversified Products Division lun- cheon, President's banquet, Pre cli nical Sciences & Animal Health networking get-together, Women in Science lun- cheon, Young Scientist Mentor/ Protégé meet-and-greet, and the Young Scientist networking event. Delivery science specialists from a variety of disciplines will be on hand, including drug delivery, dissolution testing, R&D, formulation, nanotech- nology, business development, regu- latory affairs, and particle design. Scientific sessions The educational program features 20 scientific sessions based on ab - Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society sive materials for drug, gene, and cell delivery—and the hurdles yet to be overcome. Technology Forums Technology Forums are both edu- cational and promotional opportuni- ties for companies to present their latest technology in a small group setting. Catalent and BASF will co- present "Formulation Solutions Using Hot Melt Extrusion for Poorly Sol - uble Drugs." Evonik Industries will host "Case Study: Developing Com - plex, Extended-Release Products from Feasibility to Production." Pre-meeting workshops Half-day, full-day, and 1.5-day work shops are scheduled for Sat urday and Sunday, July 25-26. They include "Introduction to Encap sulation and Controlled Release Technologies," covering the latest microencapsulation techniques used for controlled-release applications, including atomization, spray coating, co-extrusion, and emul- sion-based technologies. T&C Exhibitors The following companies and orga- nizations are among those exhibiting at the Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society on July 26-29 in Edinburgh, Scotland. For a complete, updated list, visit www. controlled Delivery science conference heads to Scotland 38 May 2015 Tablets & Capsules