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integrity, container closure systems, inserts and outserts, labeling design, and supply-chain sustainability. Conference: Tuesday Educational opportunities begin Tuesday morning with a keynote ad - dress, "Recent Changes and Pro posed Changes to USP Packaging Chapters," from Dwain L. Sparks, a 39-year vet- eran of Eli Lilly and now an indepen- dent consultant on Chemistry, Manu - facturing, and Controls (CMC) regu latory affairs and pharmaceutical packaging regulations. Immediately following is a roundtable discussion with subject matter experts on how USP changes will affect economics, risk, and product development and how to prepare for these changes, manage new challenges, and benefit from arising opportunities. Afternoon sessions focus on inno- vations in pharmaceutical packaging, starting with an overview of the fast- growing combination products sector and the regulations that pertain to them. A later session examines how a preview Pharmapack North America returns to the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York, NY, June 9-10. The con- ference and exhibition is part of a co- located advanced manufacturing con- ference that also includes Medical Device Design and Manufacturing East, East Pack, and Atlantic Design and Manufacturing. Registering for one event grants you admission to all. The exhibition hall, open from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, will feature technologies and services from suppliers represent- ing the many facets of pharmaceuti- cal packaging, including child-resis- tant/adult-friendly packaging, barrier packaging, blister packaging, compli- ance packaging, serialization/track- and-trace, patient safety, package Pharmapack North America advancements in packaging—includ- ing the integration of digital audio, Bluetooth devices, and sensors—can improve patient education and train- ing and thus improve compliance and reduce errors. Another session looks into the future of pharmaceutical packaging and labeling in general, with insights on applying objective, research- based principles that help you design and evaluate labels to improve com- pliance and patient outcomes. An industry-wide session tailored to all co-located conference attendees pon ders "mass customization"—the concept by which manufacturing retains the efficiency of mass produc- tion while offering a range of options that satisfy a wide customer base. Conference: Wednesday Wednesday's keynote, "Method or Magic?" features Nancy Limback, manager of packaging innovation and development at Sanofi. She will dis- cuss key principles of package differ- entiation, including a study of several Track-and-trace compliance, other regulatory issues central at packaging expo 40 May 2015 Tablets & Capsules