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6 May 2015 Tablets & Capsules industry news Mylan pursues Perrigo; Teva offers $40 billion for Mylan NEW YORK, NY—Two weeks after generic drug maker Mylan offered $29 billion to acquire Perrigo of Dublin, Ire- land, the company rejected the offer, and Mylan became the target of a takeover bid by Israel's Teva. Teva, the world's largest manufacturer of generics, offered $40 billion and said the combination would help it manufacture softgels and other difficult-to-make products. TGA considers adopting EU guidelines SYMONSTON, Australia—The Thera- peutic Goods Administration is discussing adopting European Union guidelines in Australia. Under consideration are ICH Q9 and Q10, as well as guidelines on sta- markets Report assesses solubility- enhancing excipients for OSDFs PARSIPPANY, NJ—The market for solu- bility-enhancing excipients for oral solid dosage forms will grow at a compound annual rate of 13 percent between 2014 and 2024, ac cording to "Solubility Enhancement in Pharmaceutical Oral Solid Dosage Forms: Global Market Analysis and Opportunities." Published by Kline & Company, the report also assesses processes that improve API solu- bility, including size reduction, chemical modification, spray drying, hot-melt extrusion, and lyophilization. bility, active substances, clinical pharma- cology and pharmacokinetics, biosimi- lars, and others. Lung cancer pill shows promise LONDON, UK—New findings from an ongoing clinical trial show that AstraZeneca's AZD9291, administered at one 80-milligram oral dose per pay, delays the progression of a specific lung cancer by as much as 13.5 months. The company is expected to file a new drug application (NDA) for the molecule later this year. IPEC issues position paper on excipient standard ARLINGTON, VA—Members of IPEC- Americas' GMP Committee finalized its position paper, "Imple mentation of the NSF/IPEC/ANSI 363-2014 Excipient Standard." Though not suggesting a spe- cific deadline for implementation, IPEC recommends that all excipient suppliers have an implementation plan in place by the end of third quarter 2015. www. tabletscapsules .com SEE THE DIFFERENCE In Output and Cost with Ackley's Multi-Lane Printer with Print Inspection Now you can do multi-lane imprinting and visual inspection of your brand with pixel precision and single tablet rejection. All at speeds up to 300,000 products per hour with an adjustable angle ramp feed that ensures optimum ʻOOUDWHVDQGHOLPLQDWHVSURGXFWEUHDNDJH Ac with pixe All at speed an adjustable ʻOO Why settle for anything less? Call Ackley today at 856-234-3626 to discuss your R&D and production needs.