Tablets & Capsules


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T 8 May 2015 Tablets & Capsules packaging Selecting a contract packaging partner Scott Garverick Pharma Packaging Solutions Partnering with a contract packaging company gives manu- facturers the expertise to comply with serialization requirements and the flexibility needed for global pharmaceutical logistics. he global pharmaceutical sector is reshaping itself to be leaner and more responsive to market demands. That's because, as always, manufacturers are seeking to reach global markets more quickly. To do so, they must navi- gate myriad new regulatory requirements across many countries. In short, new regulations and regulatory uncer- tainty have placed the pharmaceutical industry in a chal- lenging and uncharted landscape. Among the drivers of these changes is merger and acquisition (M&A) activity, layoffs, patent expirations and a fluid regulatory environment. Overall, M&A activity in 2014 increased by 4.1 from 2013, reaching $378.2 bil- lion, and the number of deals rose by 37.5 percent to 153 [1]. In most M&As, supply chains also merge, and that alone is a complex process that must be well managed. When you add layoffs and patent expirations, the chal- lenges grow larger as companies focus on cost cutting. These changes can lead to delays in delivering drug prod- ucts, poor customer service, security and compliance risks, and a host of missed opportunities. Meanwhile, the intricacies of logistics and the complex- ities of new regulatory requirements persist. Logistics—

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