Carmel Magazine

CM Winter 2016 Issue

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Lynn Knoop specializes in representing the fnest homes in Carmel and Pebble Beach. She is a native to the area and deeply committed to the community in which she lives and works. Lynn has a wealth of local real estate experience and trusted relationships that provide her with access to of-market estates. Tis combination of experience and access make her one of the most sought afer agents in the market. 831 596 4726 Lynn Knoop REAL ESTATE Discerning representation for Buyers & Sellers of exceptional properties Record-breaking sale on Carmel Beach $37.5 million (list price) | Carmel | Represented buyer & seller Ocean and golf views from Carmel's most private location $14.5 million (list price) | Represented seller Ocean and golf views overlooking Cypress Point $9.995 million (list price) | Pebble Beach | Represented buyer & seller Significant Sales of 2015

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